Daily Divination – Time to Release

Everyday Witch tarot three of swords on a single card tarot holder surrounded by various crystalsWhile the Three of Swords could never be called a “happy card” it can be seen as a card of healing, warning, and caution. It is a card of heartbreak, emotional pain, and sorrow leading us towards forgiveness and releasing pain. As you protect yourself from heartache you may be missing out on opportunities to grow and heal the ache and trust. If you find yourself holding back or surrounded by dark clouds with your heart hurting, now is the time to look at why and perhaps begin the path to healing. You may be feeling the call to release the ties that bind you and keep you from healing. When we confront the ache and release the hold it has on our spirits we are able to heal and grow. Guard your heart but do not miss the opportunities of friendship and manifestation through finding the silver linings and blessings in our lives.