Gifts to the Forest Witch…

a barred owl atop a fence post
One of the barred owls that lives in the forest behind my home.

It’s been a bit crazy in my world and will be for a while yet but I thought I’d share something really amazing with you guys.

As some of you know, I live in the Pacific Northwest (Olympic Peninsula of WA state). My husband and I have a cute little house with a small forest surrounding it. I like to spend time in the forest when I can and my body permits me to do so (physical health issues prevent this sometimes). Over the years, I’ve posted a lot of photos from my property and the area so if you want to check them out they are here!

Anyway, on one of our walks, up the hill – through the forest and just off the property we came across a truly AMAZING natural gift and offering. I have long had a love of owls and something managed to catch a barred owl. We have several that roost in our area so while I was bummed about one of them being caught…it is a part of the cycle of life – everything feeds something, after all. The first indication was a wing resting in the path just sitting there and a little further down feathers…everywhere. There were no other bones or wings in the area. I picked up that wing and cleaned off the bone that still had meat and tendon on it.

Today, I began the cleansing and drying process, using a Native American method. I chose to place it in borax. It must rest in the borax for a minimum of one month. I decided to turn the entire process sacred to my path and journey in this life. You see a part of my path is shamanic in nature, I was taught by a Peruvian shaman many years ago and incorporated those teachings into my Wicca & Witchcraft path.

This wing will rest in the borax until around September 15th and then at Mabon I will consecrate and dedicate this beautiful gift for use in my path to be used for the first time in the Samhain season.

a barred owl wing rests atop a layer of borax.
A barred owl wing rests atop a layer of borax.
a barred owl wing covered with borax for preservation.
a barred owl wing covered with borax for preservation.

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